Instructor Training Panel Year 3
Panel Year 3
Final training stages pre your saiing or windsurfing instructorship!
SAILING Pre-Entry Assessment is scheduled for 5th & 6th October it's important to avail of as many training Satrudays as you can in advance to be at the correct skills level for the pre-entry.
Sailing Instructor Couse is scheduled Saturday 26th - Wednesday 30th October - incl. On completion of your pre-entry assessment we recommend that you come and assist instructing panel year 1 sailing skils- valuable experience to get prior to your instructor course!
WINDSURFING Instructor Course is on Saturday 26th - Wednesday 30th October.
Saturday training will focus on developing and advancing your windsurfing skills to be ready for your instructorship. It's really important to attend as many training Saturdays as possible over the Autumn.
Also avail of the opportunity to assist instructing 1st year windsurfing panel sessions!
First aid- An Online Evening Course will be scheduled
Safe guarding - Have you all completed course ?
Garda Vetting - if you haven't submitted please do click here for GV forms.
Pre-Entry Training! Just 5 training days before your pre-entry important to attend!
Pre-Windsurfing Instructor Course Training Important to attend in advance of your instructor course in October!
Sailing Pre-Entry Assessment run over a day assessing your on water skills, knot work and theory plus some coaching too.