2025 Summer Camp Bookings open on Wednesday 26th February!
2024 Irish Sailing nominee for Training Centre of the Year!

Instructor Training Panel Year 2

What is it all about? 

In your 2nd year of panel you really focus on progressing your skills on the road to becoming a qualified instructor.

Training focuses in on your skill of choice (sailing/windsurfing) as you gear up to a level that you are confident in your own skill level enough that you are comfortable to teach somebody else and so achieving an instructorship in that sport. 

Through all of this, we’re reflecting and promoting the distinctive culture and ethos of Oysterhaven, which is to take a fun and friendly approach, but with a commitment to professionalism, and delivering training to the highest possible standards.

What is involved?

Training runs on Saturdays in the Autumn and Spring along with 4 days of training over the Easter holidays. 

During 2nd year panel we focus on gaining the pre-requisite requirements to become an instructor. To be an Irish Sailing or an Irish Windsurfing instructor you must complete the following training courses:

First aid- We will schedule first aid training courses.

Safe guarding - this course will be part of the Easter holiday training days.

Garda Vetting - to be submitted in Spring - Forms can be downloaded here. 

What do you gain?

The best aspect of panel is while you are having all this fun out on the water, you don't realise how much you are learning! Through training and work-experience, panel members gain self-confidence, public-speaking skills, they learn responsibility, time-management skills, adaptability and lots more! Skills like these will stand to our panel members as they go on to progress through education and also into their future careers.

Kit Hire

While you are down on work experience over the summer, you have free access to rental of the kit (kayaks, dinghies, windsurfers, SUPs), this is a great way for you to practice and keep your skill level up over the summer. If you are not down on work-experience you still have access to kit-hire at a super reduced price of €5

Skills Courses

While panel training offers the opportunity to gain and progress skills, it is so broad that it is not a substitute for an intensive week of skills training. Skills courses can be booked online.


Sailing Instructor Course
Instructor Training Panel

Instructor Course running Tuesday 22nd - Saturday 26th April

Year 2 - Sailing Skills
Instructor Training Panel

Saturday Sailing Training

Year 2 - Windsurfing Skills
Instructor Training Panel

Saturday Training

Year 2 - Powerboat Level 2
Instructor Training Panel

Powerboating is a prerequisite for your instructorships and it is vital you get it complete this Autumn. The powerboat course runs on the Saturday 9am - 6pm and Sunday 9am - 5pm of your chosen weekend. Places are limited so please choose your preferred available dates.

From 150
Sailing Pre-Entry Assessment
Instructor Training Panel

Sailing Pre-Entry Assessment run over a day assessing your on water skills, knot work and theory plus some coaching too.

Year 2 - First Aid
Instructor Training Panel

Year 2 - Safeguarding
Instructor Training Panel

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